Friday, 16 December 2016

These little brats are really pissing me off.

So, the girl has spent all of her time undermining me. She has been publicly trying to incite rebellion. It's not working so far, but I can't confront her without them realizing I can't kill her, but if I don't confront her I'll look weak... Worse then that Sandy's gone. I'm sure they took her somehow. The fucking boy probably broke into my house and kidnapped her while his bitch of a sister distracted me with her public ranting. The birds can't find her so, it has to be them. No one else can hide from the birds.

This is getting fucking maddening...

I want nothing more than to cut them into pieces, but I can't. I tried actually. I went over to their house and stabbed the bitch in the gut. Nothing happened. She just stood there grinning at me. Though when I tried to slice off her head she did seem a little startled. Gave a little sidestep and then just continued grinning when my blade passed through her anyway. I stormed out. I could burn their house down, but they'd probably just stand there in the wreckage and laugh at me...

How can one be a crazed dictator in the face of unkillable insurgents?

Also I've been trying to get drunk... It doesn't seem to be working... I did see a Convocation Bird fly into a window though... Maybe the two are connected... Wouldn't that be funny?


  1. Also matters on what birds you keep. I speak from experience.

    ~Maggie the Magpie

  2. Mostly Crows... So, generic. Gonna see if I can't get some Ravens for Poe though if we ever actually fight. You know why.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your love and care for my well being is an inspiration.
