Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Taking it easy.

So, I'm basically recovered now. It wasn't a bad injury or anything and my body does seem to be more resilient than usual anyway.

I'm actually not entirely sure what the extent of my new resilience is... Maybe being shot with that shotgun wouldn't have even killed me. Not really intent on testing it and of course, despite it being information that might be very helpful to me in performing my job, the birds still aren't answering my questions.

Also, The Convocation haven't been telling me off for bringing Sandy here so, I'm just gonna keep her in the basement. There's plenty of room to sleep down there and I can toss some food down there every once in a while. I'll even put a litterbox down there if she complains. No one can say I'm not kind.

So, since she's in my house now I suppose I can just relax as I continue my watch on her. So, that's what I'm doing. Laying back on my couch and just relaxing. I found a bunch of new fun blogs to monitor.

The first one is called... Um... I have the name here somewhere... Puppies and Joy... Oh god really?

Well now I feel like killing a puppy in front of a small child...

Anyway it's run by my new bestie Fien. She seems like a swell Girl woman (HA did it) and she's obviously in love with me. Can't wait to talk more with her also can't wait to find out what horrible thing she did to the owner of the book. Bet it's gonna be wondrous.

Another fun blog is I am a- Ha ha oh god... I'm just really reading these names for the first time and I just can't... Okay... Okay... It's called I am a Creature of Darkness... Sounds like a song, by one of those trashy emo bands, but regardless it certainly is interesting, mostly because it seems like unbeknownst to the writer... It stars me! At least somewhat... Poor bastard seems to be having dreams about me. I knew someone was... Still, unfortunately not eligible for the contest as it wasn't a dream about me murdering them.

Oh speaking of me murdering people there was another blog I found interesting. This one is by some guy with an Edgar Allan Poe obsession. I doubt it will be much of a fun read in general, but apparently he had a run in with me once and I killed his girlfriend. So, that's cool. After he brought it up I remembered it pretty clearly. That was a fun time. I didn't have my neighbourhood back then I wandered around, sometimes far from home. Just wandering the world killing on The Convocation's say so. Good times good times. Also looking back at his blog to find out it's name (Once Upon a Midnight Dreary, by the way. Can you say obsessed?) I found he replied to my comment about how fun killing his girlfriend was with a death threat to my person. How fun. I do so hope he tries to follow through. 

There were also a few other blogs I noticed, but I'll probably mention them when and if they do something interesting.

More noticeably, I showed remarkable restraint today. See, I didn't bother to inform anyone I had come back yet and you'll never guess what happened. I emerged from my house today to find that the bastards in this neighbourhood were having a party without me. Now, you're probably thinking I killed all of them. Well you are wrong. As I said I showed remarkable restraint. Only one person died and I wasn't the one who killed them. I made everyone else kill them.

See, I come out and see these people... These people I had treated so well having a party in my honor without me. I say in my honor, because they were celebrating me not being there. Obviously I was fairly pissed at this betrayal. They had taken all the love and compassion I had shown them and threw it in my face. So... I showed up. The party died fairly quickly. A few people even tried to run back into their houses like that would save them. I told them not to panic. Well more accurately what I said was "Next person to take a step will be fed their families fingers one by one and if they don't have family their own fingers." that got everyone to stop. I then told them they shouldn't stop their party on my account and they continued the festivities... Well they continued after a bit of urging. Seemed much less festive afterwards, can't imagine why.

The party continued and I must say, they certainly had a wondrous party planned. I will definitely give them that. They know how to have a good time. At the end there was cake and a pinata. I destroyed the pinata with one swing of my machete. However, I thought that wasn't very much fun was it. Everyone else should have had a turn.

So, I set up a new pinata. I used one of the smaller children. A 6 year old I believe. A nice young boy. Probably would have grown up to be a great man. I let his mother get the first whack. She didn't hit very hard so I let her have a few more. Then everyone else got a turn until everyone had gone and by then so had he. After that we had the cake. Strangely enough no one else felt like eating, so I enjoyed it by myself. I gave a piece to Sandy as well.

Now... We've had a few laughs on this blog and I've had a few laughs at the expense of others, but allow me to be serious for a second. I am a very kind person. I feel great compassion for others. All I ask is that that kindness and compassion be returned. Actually not even that. I ask only that it be accepted. If my kindness is rejected or, worse yet, thrown back in my face... Well I get a little angry. Young Bradley has learned that quite well and I think he will pass on that message to his fellows... even if indirectly.

Also that is why this post is a little bit later than usual. Goodnight friends, especially you Fien, Catty and... Weremagi? Dream about me? I hope you will.


  1. I fully intend on fulfilling my promise, monster in the mask.


  2. You said you're looking forward to testing out your convocation servant killing theories right? Well good I'll go ahead and test out my whiny bitch killing theories in return.

    1. That's cute. Remember, nothing is more dangerous than a man with incendiary weapons and nothing to lose.

    2. I would argue a man with godly lightning birds and everything to gain is much more dangerous, but I guess we'll see.

    3. Everything to gain, nothing to lose, boring pedantics.
