Friday, 9 December 2016

The Delay Was For Dramatic Effect

So, I am a busy little bird and will be flitting about on a number of errands soon and I will tell you about that later on. For now though I have kept you in suspense long enough.

Let me tell you about Gods.

There are a number of Gods... Small ones, tall ones, some without physical forms or at least physical forms that defy categorization...

My personal god is called The Convocation. Now how do I explain this simply... They are birds. Absolutely perfectly normal birds...

However, these are no absolutely perfectly normal birds! No, these are absolutely perfectly normal birds that are part of a absolutely perfectly abnormal hive mind and as a result these absolutely perfectly normal birds can do amazing things! Like cause lightning strikes. Also nest inside the still living and normally functioning body of ordinary people. Like myself.

What you thought the title of this blog was a joke? Well it is, but it's also accurate. The Convocation are somewhat unrelated to my lack of a face though. I'll get to that eventually.

Now, some of you might be thinking why would a god have a servant as bloodthirsty and crazy as I am? Well I have two things to say to you.

First. Have you read history? Religious people are completely insane and some of the most cruel and murderous people to have ever walked the earth.

Second. Nobody said all gods are kind and loving. The Convocation does not love and it is not kind. It is a god of fear and it exists for no other reason, but to punish those who it deems deserving of it's punishment. Some, it merely kills with the power of the storm it controls and some get worse fates. Their bodies pecked apart, by swarms of birds or dragged up into the sky never to be seen again.

Why serve one of these horrifying gods?

Well... There's a simple answer and a more complicated answer. The more complicated answer I'll get to at a later date, but for now the simple answer is.

Doesn't everyone want to be on the winning side?

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