Sunday, 18 December 2016


I think I got every possible permutation... It's kind of amazing how many of those are actually words...

EAT, ATE, TEA Exactly half of them form real words...

And that's assuming you don't count ETA as Estimated Time of Arrival and that Tae and Aet aren't some archaic word that most people just don't know about.

Also Eta being a greek letter doesn't god damn count.

Oh right I should probably actually talk about what EAT said.

So, The Eternal Amorphous Terror told me, that there is very little information on 11 and 12... What little is known comes from some first hand accounts and a blog called The Children of Nothing. In fact apparently my good buddy WereMagi linked to the blog and that was the first time EAT had heard of The Blog which itself she was unable to locate outside that link. She was actually surprised that I had not seen the blog already and so was I. I had been reading WereMagi's blog as well as many other blogs everytime a new post came out. Somehow I completely missed this post... It's not like I didn't read it though. I apparently had, but I just... I hadn't registered it. It's like something just removed it from my mind the moment I saw it. Seemingly others had the same problem or similar since not a single person has commented on that post at the time of this writing.

Now all of this would seem weird, except for two things. I now know what this Children of Nothing Cult's deal is and knowing that a lot of shit makes a lot more sense.

They worship The Quiet... A god? Possibly? Jury seems to be out on that... It doesn't seem to really work or interact with the other gods and who knows what it actually is. Even the birds seem confused on that point. Regardless... It's a being of pure non-existence. It simply appears and consumes entire universes. It's had cults before, though they tend to be very secretive and so if it's ever been active like it appears to be here, that is unknown. It's entire deal though is making things disappear. It's power is to create nothing and turn things that are something into nothing.

Knowing that it's not a long stretch to assume that these strange abilities possessed by this cult, all stem from that. EAT and The Convocation can't find them, because they're not there. I can't hurt them because they don't exist. Unfortunately this doesn't answer some questions...

Mostly, why can they still hurt me and what the hell can I do about it.

Well... EAT is going to continue monitoring The Blog for me... Though I'm also going to try and monitor it myself now and meanwhile I'm continuing on to The Archive. They might still know more and EAT has also informed me there might be a major lead there. Apparently one of the Children of Nothing was an Archivist and continues to have dealings of a sort with The Archive. They might know important information.

So, hopefully this will end up being worth it.

Oh! I also got a very strange call. The number on the caller ID was my old house... You know the one that burnt down. When I answered after a few minutes there was only the sound of a bird cawing and then... Well the sound of a fire slowly starting up... I hung up. I'd already heard that noise before. I didn't want to hear it again.


  1. Another question is, why was it documented and who didn't want it to be found if it weren't for me?

    1. Well my guess is they didn't want it to be found. As for why they bothered to document it... Well I'm not sure either... Hell reading it they don't even seem to know why.

  2. Really? Another thing for EAT to stand for? I'm disappointed in you, Faceless.

  3. What? Coming up with new meanings for that Acronym is basically a tradition at this point. Watch: EAT=Everything and Anything Terrible.
