So, I arrived at a meeting place specified by The Archive. I met one of them... They gave me a name, but I couldn't care enough to remember it. Broker insert random ancient alphabet letter here.
They told me they'd tell me what they know in return for me doing a short job for them. I won't recount it here, but I might later. Suffice to say it was bloody and bloody good fun.
The information they gave me was mostly useful, but nothing that will be directly helpful dealing with 11 and 12. Apparently they've done a pretty good job, of figuring out names though. They obviously knew the Ex-archivists name. Michael Lawson apparently.
But, in preparation for our meeting they also took a look at the blog and using the backstory Zero gave they identified her as well. Her name was Emelia Hausier. They also looked into 11 and 12 for me and found out their identities as well. They told me, however that I'd need to pay extra for their real names. I told them they could go fuck themselves as I had no need to know the names of two dead kids. Anyway... One of the things they told me, I won't recount here since they apparently read my blog and that information will be much more useful if they don't know I have it. The other somewhat useful bit of information I've got is that they can be harmed. When Michael first showed up to strike a new deal with the Archive one of the Martyr's took a swing at him. The attack went right through, but Michael still reacted like he was hit and showed a mark on his cheek like as though he'd been hit. Similar to how 11 reacted when I tried to decapitate her. This means a few things. I'm still thinking them through, but I will have ample opportunity to test my theories soon. I'm going to be heading back to my neighbourhood to go make sure they haven't started an actual rebellion or anything yet and I might just try out my theory on the boy. Teach him to run that mouth of his...
God I hope this works. I cannot deal with the idea of these two punk ass kids making a mockery of me again.
Edit: Thought of a better title for this post. Changed it.
If this method of killing them doesn't involve imapling them with spears Vlad the Impaler style, I will be severely disappointed.
ReplyDeleteIf any of my theories result in a verifiable way to touch them and hurt them I might do just that. Leave them both impaled on my front lawn, for everyone to see.
DeleteWorst case scenario? Let out the birds and see them try and weather a true storm.
I was thinking about that one. Just basically nuking the general area they're in, but the birds can't see them, so I'd have to basically target for them and test firing has proven that I am very much not good at that. I also thought about just burning down their house, but I'd rather not. Having a burned out wreck in our neighbourhood would look bad and lower property values.