Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Good as new.

So, I'm out of the... hospital? and feeling ready to kill some people again. Also seems like Frederick wasn't kidding about finding me yesterday. Unfortunately I was still stuck in bed, so didn't get the chance to kill him myself. Seems like Cerise did a good enough job on her own. Still a shame, also no sign of Hella so I still have that to worry about. Maybe I'll be lucky and she'll turn out to be the same amount of build up to anti-climax ratio as Frederick turned out to be.

As for what actually happened... I'm sure Cerise will talk about it. She'll undoubtedly want to gloat about it to you guys. She already spent a while gloating about it to me.


  1. I don't mind her gloating. I really didn't see that flamethrower coming. Mostly because I wasn't there.

    So don't worry, my climax is still building up.

    Wait.. that sounds more sexual than I intended. Oh well.


    1. Don't worry killing you will undoubtedly be... Orgasmic...

      I feel gross...
