Sunday, 20 August 2017

Busy busy busy...

Tiff is taking things fairly well...

You know all things considered...

Also according to facet sine of course she isn't communicating with us directly and we're actually just taking Facet's word on what's happening with her.

Anyway before I get to what is happening now... Let me tell you about that second confrontation.

This is what I've been waiting to talk about...

Cerise showed up and told us she needed our help. She had located Legion and was assaulting the place with her Proxies, but they're having difficulty and she was hoping we could help out. Obviously not directly. She wanted us to simply do something to distract them so, her Proxies could use the distraction to win and get Legion. We agreed since getting rid of Legion would be of great benefit to us.

Cerise brought us to a location. We were behind a building and we could hear fighting taking place a short distance away and then Cerise told us to do what we can and then vanished to go help them out.

We took some time to think about it and came to the idea... The idea was let us show ourselves to The Timberwolves and attract their attention.  No smart plan, just show ourselves and let them try to kill us.

So, that's what we did. We approached the battle took some time to see exactly what was happening. Basically The Proxies were surrounding the base of a building while The Timberwolves held them off from the various entrances and I assume there were more inside watching for Proxies trying to teleport inside.

We waited for the right time and then we picked a building. Sandy and Facet would wait there while I acted as a the distraction as the most immediately recognizable figure.

So, Sandy and Facet went and waited and then I did a "accidental" walk by. Stopping and seeming surprised to see the battle and then after I made sure some of the people noticed me I ran for the building. My hope of course being that they'd think this was their chance.

I reached the building and... Surprisingly things worked out both better and worse than we expected.

I went into the building and found Facet and Sandy facing down a bunch of Timberwolves. Apparently they had chosen the same building to hide in as we chose to have our ambush.

Facet was hiding behind a doorframe and Sandy was beside him. I rushed over and asked what was going on.

They ran into the building and there were a bunch of Timberwolves already here. We didn't know why at the time. I asked Facet if he could do something about it. He said that he can't go in there cause it would be dangerous to Tiff's body. There were too many for him to take out quickly before they could turn on him like he did with The Scarecrow's men.

It made sense. It was one of the downsides of Facet being in Tiff's body. He can't just use her as a disposable body.  I wasn't sure what to do. None of us were and then Cerise showed up.

"I wasn't expecting much, but whatever you guys did, really worked... The Timberwolves almost immediately started faltering when you ran towards this building" she paused and looked around, "What the hell is happening here?" she asked and we informed her and she nodded, "Right... That makes sense," she said and then tells Facet to move and when he did she tossed a flashbang into the room the Timberwolves were in and told us to rush in as it went off.

The fight wasn't much of a fight after that. Facet and I easily took out the stunned Timberwolves and Cerise informed us that the Proxies had fairly quickly took the building after our stunt. We'd been a far greater distraction than we thought. However, when they took the place there was no sign of Legion.

We all came to the same conclusion. Legion wasn't in the building The Proxies were attacking, he was in this one.

Damn it I have to go again. resetting things up and dealing with new people is a full time job.

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