Friday, 26 May 2017

Ryan here

Name's Ryan. So, I'm part of this Children of Nothing Cult now. Which means I get magic powers and stuff! It's pretty awesome... I mean a couple of days ago the only thing I had to look forward to was getting shot dead, but now I've got magical powers.

Too bad the boss won't let me have a cool nickname... I mean he gets to be called The faceless Bastard and the other guy gets to be called The Facet, but I don't get a nickname? Although I guess the girl is just called Sandy apparently...

Whatever even without a cool name this is still awesome... I was told I should talk about myself... Specifically why I want to have the world be erased... Well... Er I don't really... I mean I don't mind... Don't really care one way in the other, but it was either that or death... see... I kind of maybe sort of dealt drugs... and I might have sort of... sold not so real drugs? Like there'd be a bit of the real thing in there, but also lots of cheap shit so I could sell more of the stuff... It was pretty sweet. I'd sell like a bag full of like a quarter of cocaine and like 3 quarters sugar and make a ton of money, but um people don't like that. See they don't like being ripped off and normally I'd get the fuck out after making a sale, but... Er apparently one of my buyers this time was a big shot of sorts and he caught me trying to leave town. He was gonna have me killed, but The cult guys or I guess the god of the cult he protected me. No one could see me and I was able to get out of the guys place somehow... I don't quite know how... I didn't know the way out, but I like ran and I think I got pulled into a mirror or something and then emerged back at my house where Sandy found me and then she brought me to this place.

I owe these guys my life and I never much liked this world anyway so who cares what they're gonna do with it.


Okay... So that was Ryan... The World's dumbest Drug Dealer... Alright Coda why the fuck did we need this guy?

I mean the original Children had a couple of losers, but at least most of them weren't complete screw ups and we get Sandy and this guy? This is to punish me isn't it? For killing the original Children right?

Whatever... Next person better be good...

What am I even doing with my life now?

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